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Traditional rings can disrupt the moment.

You want to run, climb, work, swim, cook, shower, hold a child without pausing life to take off the very emblem that represents the life you live. Add to that the real risk of ring avulsion, degloving and amputation, and we set out to create silicone rings to protect your precious moments and fingers.

Silicone belongs on fingers.

When the ancient Egyptians created the first circular representations of promise, they used braided hemp. It’s the symbol and the practicality that mattered. We made the first Enso silicone ring to bring back comfort, safety and focus to the way we express commitment.

It takes a team.

We’re a group of creators bent on making silicone rings attractive to the world. It’s always a great day at Enso because we pack up every night knowing we’ve provided people like you with a safer and refined alternative to traditional rings.